The best complement ever.

This is a story that even if i wanted to, i couldn’t make up.

I have been training a client for just over 1 year. I was approached by his wife to help him correct is hunch back and give him a boost in overall health.

This client hardly missed a session, always came on time, and never tried to negotiate the price of seeing me 2 times per week.

This client was very polite and after a few weeks, i got him to use some of his anger out on our work outs ( medicine ball throws, bench press, boxing ).

After 3 months, he came to me and said he had lost about 7 pounds of fat, gained some muscle and lost a few inches off of his pants. He seemed very happy, as well as his doctor ( who told him he heart rate had dropped and overall health is getting better).

This is where my point of the story comes in.

His wife approached me last week and asked if she could speak with me privately. Ofcouse the first thing i thought of was, WHAT DID I DO??.

She said to me, Dave, i cannot believe how good of a job you are doing with my husband. He is no longer hunched back, he has lost weight, his apatite has gotten better and just has overall more energy and seems very happy. She goes on to tell me that he would change his schedule around to make sure that he can makes our sessions and doesn’t dread our workings one bit. His loves my crazy stories and the attention to details that i give him. The best part of the story is when she told me how when he visits family, they all give him compliments. I told her that he has never once told me this, and she said very quickly that he is very humble and rather not say. The last point she said really touched my heart.

You know Dave, you have gotten him to run ( he is a walker with the Walking room ), do burpee’s, jump rope, box, kettle bells swings and squats on the smith machine ( she said “I don’t even know what a smith machine is , but sounds fancy) Dave you have no idea what joy you have brough him, and the rest of this family. I hope you know that.

For the rest of the day i had a smile on my face that could bright the cloudiest day. My whole purpose of training is to help people feel and look better, not a quick fix because of a wedding or vacation, but to pass on my passion for a healthy lifestyle.
