Please have a look at this video.

This is why health is very important and doing regular exercise.


Yes we all want the 6 pack abs, the chizzled chest, arms, buns of steal and nice legs.

However once those fade.. all we have left is our health, (brain and heart).

We often put a price on fitness, yet it takes one heart attack or major health issue to see that we should be investing in our future. When people approach me about training, the first question more often then not is about price and not what can I do for them. Let’s be real for a second, money is and will always be an issue when buying non necessity items. If that is the case and you are serious about creating a healthier lifestyle. you first need to look at expenses in your life that aren’t doing any good. You must not be blind and be honest with yourself. Smoking 3 packs a week of cigarettes is not only causing harm, but wasting money. Going out for Breakfast/lunch/dinners daily. Think of how much money you spend on that, or the amount of garbage you are putting into your body.

I am not saying personal training is cheap, and that everyone should have a trainer, however if you have thought about it. Be honest and set a price that works for you. Most trainers will try to help you out. For example, I offer 30 minute sessions, or group session to cut the costs in half.

Health is our future and if we don’t invest in it now, then we will pay in the long run.


Credits go to for video